Major Dates of Final Seven Years

03/14/21   Start of the final seven years (last week) and start date of 1290 & 1335 days. Start of final week with total number of days at 2568 & Midpoint is 1284 days.

05/23/21   Start of the 2300 days of Daniel. This day is Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)

03/23/24   Feast of Passover Two Witnesses of Revelation appear in Jerusalem

09/17/24   This last day of first half of week – and is start of 8-day Feast of Booths or Tabernacles.

09/18/24   This is first day of last half of 7 years – and is second day of 8-day Feast of Booths.

09/23/24   This is the day ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is set up in the Jerusalem temple and 7th day of Feast                 of Booths or Tabernacles

11/07/24   This is the 1335 day from Daniel chapter 12. There is no Feast Day here

                 1st possibility of 1335 days -it is not tied to a feast day – I have issues due to lack of feast day 

                 2ND possibility is the addition of 1290 days plus 1335 days results at 27th day in the 2nd month

                 This is not a feast day but is same day Noah and his family (8) started repopulating the Earth after the   Flood. This is why I believe this is reason for 1290 and 1335 days are added together.

09/08/27   This is the last day of 2300 Days of Daniel, which is the day before the 120th Jubilee.

09/09/27   This is the last day, which is the 120th or FINAL JUBILEE. This is day of the Return of Jesus.

03/24/28   This is the last day of final seven years, however cut short by FINAL JUBILEE          


Note: Every day above includes the evening before as Jewish Day is from evening to evening

Trees Under the Mendenhall Glacier

Mendenhall Glacier with Trees Underneath Mendenhall GlacierTree age estimate is 1200 – 2350 years old means climate was much warmer then now, don’t you think.

The Mendenhall Glacier, which flows from the 1,500-square-mile Juneau Ice Field, has been retreating since the mid-1700s, according to the USDA Forest Service. But in the past 50 years, reports LiveScience, relics of an old forest have begun appearing amid the melted ice. In the past year or so, trees still upright and with roots and bits of bark still intact have been exposed by the retreating flow.
Researchers based at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) are studying the emerging forest; they have determined that the trees’ ages range from about 1,200 to 2,350 years old, reports the Juneau Empire. The trees are likely spruce, UAS geology professor Cathy Connor said, though this hasn’t been verified.
“There are a lot of them, and being in a growth position is exciting because we can see the outermost part of the tree and count back to see how old the tree was,” Connor told LiveScience. “Mostly, people find chunks of wood helter-skelter, but to see these intact upright is kind of cool.”
The trees were likely protected by a four-to-five-foot layer of gravel, which spills out from streams of an advancing glacier’s meltwater in the summer, according to LiveScience. The gravel protected the trees from the glacier’s powerful motion, snapping branches and treetops as it advanced.
Mendenhall is one of 38 large glaciers originating in the Juneau Ice Field, nearly all of which are retreating. Since 2005, LiveScience reports, the glacier has retreated about 170 feet per year, with an expected large retreat this year due to an unusually warm summer.
So far, the Juneau Empire reports, trees are the only remnants of the forest being exposed. But the team hopes to find other vegetation to help better explain the area’s history.
“These are relict stories, and piecing them together with radiocarbon dating and stratigraphic work would help piece together the chapters of the story,” Connor told LiveScience.

The Mendenhall Glacier, which flows from the 1,500-square-mile Juneau Ice Field, has been retreating since the mid-1700s, according to the USDA Forest Service. But in the past 50 years, reports LiveScience, relics of an old forest have begun appearing amid the melted ice. In the past year or so, trees still upright and with roots and bits of bark still intact have been exposed by the retreating flow.
Researchers based at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) are studying the emerging forest; they have determined that the trees’ ages range from about 1,200 to 2,350 years old, reports the Juneau Empire. The trees are likely spruce, UAS geology professor Cathy Connor said, though this hasn’t been verified.
“There are a lot of them, and being in a growth position is exciting because we can see the outermost part of the tree and count back to see how old the tree was,” Connor told LiveScience. “Mostly, people find chunks of wood helter-skelter, but to see these intact upright is kind of cool.”
The trees were likely protected by a four-to-five-foot layer of gravel, which spills out from streams of an advancing glacier’s meltwater in the summer, according to LiveScience. The gravel protected the trees from the glacier’s powerful motion, snapping branches and treetops as it advanced.
Mendenhall is one of 38 large glaciers originating in the Juneau Ice Field, nearly all of which are retreating. Since 2005, LiveScience reports, the glacier has retreated about 170 feet per year, with an expected large retreat this year due to an unusually warm summer.
So far, the Juneau Empire reports, trees are the only remnants of the forest being exposed. But the team hopes to find other vegetation to help better explain the area’s history.
“These are relict stories, and piecing them together with radiocarbon dating and stratigraphic work would help piece together the chapters of the story,” Connor told LiveScience.

Basis for Timing of the Last Week (Seven Years actually shortened to Six Years, Six months, and Nine Days) by the Eschatological Watchman

The timing of the last week, which will close out the past six thousand years of history of mankind, is based upon the belief in the Jubilee solving the timing issues found in book of Daniel and including book of Revelation. This belief is founded on the premise, in which the Jubilee is counted as a Sabbath year. This means there are eight (8) Sabbath years every fifty (50) years and the number of years required to attain seventy (70) Sabbath years is four hundred and forty-two years (442) not four hundred and ninety years (490). The counting of only one Sabbath year once every seven years does not account for the Jubilee Sabbath year.
Jesus fired a direct shot at the last week when he stood up and declared a favorable year of the LORD in the reading from Isaiah 61. This declaration of a favorable year of the LORD would have been the eightieth Jubilee with only forty (40) more left to fulfill the one hundred and twenty (120) Jubilees, which may be seen in two types in life of Moses and three divisions of Psalms by the eight in fifty rule, as in feast of weeks and Jubilee. By firing a direct shot at last week, I mean, that if one were to know when Jesus stood up in Nazareth and add forty (40) Jubilees (2000 years – 40 times 50 years) to the date, he would get the date of when Jesus will return at the last Jubilee on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.
Furthermore, the last seven years may be mapped out by using the keys in which Jesus fulfilled the first fruits feasts called Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits by his death and resurrection and by his birth on Day of Atonement fulfilled the goat led out to the wilderness as offering to Azazel (scapegoat). The feast of weeks was fulfilled by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the one hundred and twenty persons in the upper room. All the timing revelations in book of Daniel and Revelation shall be tied to a memorial or feast of the LORD.
The date of when Jesus stood up in Nazareth may be derived by from belief of decree by Artaxerxes to Nehemiah to have occurred on first day of Nissan in four hundred and forty-five B.C and seven weeks and sixty-two weeks equates to four hundred and forty years, six months, and nine days. This derives in the birth of the Messiah as promised by Gabriel to Daniel on the Day of Atonement in 5 B.C. By the gospels we know that Jesus was around thirty years of age when he started his ministry, which from the above date would arrive at 26 A.D. at the miracle recorded in John of turning water to wine. From the gospel of John we follow Jesus’s ministry through the first Passover in 27 A.D. to the encounter of the woman at Jacob’s well in Shiloh (first resting spot of the Ark of Covenant). Then we progress on to the reading of Isaiah 61 by Jesus in Nazareth. Jesus in reading this scripture (Luke 4:18) tells the people of Nazareth, his hometown, he is the Messiah and this scripture is fulfilled. Jesus tells us this is the Day of Atonement the start of a favorable year of the LORD, a Jubilee. Read Leviticus 25:1-55 and compare. This is the eightieth Jubilee from creation with forty left until the last Jubilee, the one hundred and twentieth.
Thus adding 2000 years for forty Jubilees (40 times 50 is 2000) to 27 AD you arrive at Day of Atonement in 2027 AD as the final or last Jubilee.
This above statement is also how the authors of The Jubilee Hypothesis determine their date also. This book was copyrighted on 2006 by Burke and Glenna Magee.
Several other proofs of Jesus declaring a Jubilee are found in following two books The Favorable Year of the Lord: A Study of Jubilary Theology in the Gospel of Luke by Robert B. Sloan (now Dr. Robert Sloan, president of Houston Baptist University) and Jesus, Liberation, and the Biblical Jubilee by Sharon H. Ringe (professor of New Testatment at Wesley Theological Seminiary Washington, D.C.


Chart of Jubilee Years From the Eschatological Watchman

8 in 50 years method of accounting for Sabbath Years which leads to 442 years for 70 Sabbaths not honored in reign of Israelite and Jewish Kings. 8 Jubilees + 62 Sabbath Years = 70 Sabbath Years it is a measure of time, which from chart below is  442 years. This is the chart, which I developed and lead to discovery that the timing issues in Daniel are solved by the Jubilee.

The expression in Daniel of 7 weeks and 62 weeks could be written as 7 Jubilees and 62 Sabbath Years.




Eschatological Watchman

I am announcing this day that this coming March 14, 2014 you have seven years to prepare for the last seven years or week as used in the book of Daniel. The basis of my belief is founded upon the JubileeImage being the solution to the timing found in book of Daniel and the recognition, when Jesus stood up in Nazareth and read from Isaiah, announcing himself as the Messiah or Christ that this favorable year of the Lord was a Jubilee and occurred on Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in 27 A.D.

The above recognition of jubilary theme in Luke 4:16-18 has been written about by others so I am not the only one, which has this belief in this precept. I have found the following who have written on the jubilary theme in Luke and they are as follows, a Dr. Jim Park, Dr. Robert Sloan (who is president of Houston Baptist University), and Dr. Sharon Ringe (who has written many books). In fact Dr. Sloan and Dr. Ringe dissertation/thesis for acquiring their doctorates are based upon this very subject. Dr. Sloan’s thesis is titled, The favorable year of the Lord, a study of the jubilary theology in the Gospel of Luke. Dr. Ringe thesis is titled, The Jubilee Proclamation in the Ministry and Teaching of Jesus: A Tradition-Critical Study in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts.

In addition the belief that Jesus will return on the 120th Jubilee on the Day of Atonement is also witnessed by Burke and Glenna Magee in their book The Jubilee Hypothesis: Proclaiming the Year of the Messiah’s Return. (book may be found at So there are at least two witnesses to the above belief. They also derive the date by recognizing a Jubilee declared by Jesus at reading of Isaiah in Nazareth. The date in their book is determined from history recorded by Josephus and mine is derived from the 7 and 62 weeks found in Daniel 9 and from the decree by Artaxerxes in 445 BC to rebuild Jerusalem.

The reason I announce this is basically I believe God has given me insight into the end times as written by his servants, the prophets. I am issuing this alarm as my duty as the watchman see Eze 33:6-7.

Jubilee solves timing in book of Daniel – 8 in 50